xXiiaoXiinx & xXiiaoYux ♥

Come Pick A Rose For Me =)


2010 December 15 [ At My Dear Laop0's House ]

2010 December 15 [ Wednesday ]
Go To My Laop0's houes & play with her xD

1st ===> When i go to my laop0's house ~ 1st thing we do is ===> Play Computer & Design Our Blog
2nd ===> 2nd thing we do at my laop0's house is ===> Take Some Money Then Walk To Lintas Supermarket
3rd ===> 3rd thing din have do anything xD ... when we walking to Lintas Supermarket ... Xuan talking wif me ... Unlucky ~ My laop0 step on the dirty water
4th ===> Lucky ~ when my laop0 step on the dirty water ... that just in front of the "加油站" haha xD ... then we go & find toilet to wash Xuan's leg
5th ===> When she clean her legs liao ~ we continue walk to Lintas Supermarket xD
6th ===> When we almost go to the Supermarket liao ~ we go across a Rubbish Bin ==" ... it was super duper Smelly
7th ===> We go to the Supermarket acctually wan to buy Epop ~ MANATAU ==" ... Xuan go buy her Grapes xD ... then i buy my Milo Chocolate & 2 Lollipop xD ...
8th ===> Xuan just bring RM15 come out ... then i just have RM6 cause when i go her house she din call me bring money out xD ... =X
9th ===> You know ??? We buy de thing all plus together is ===> RM20.70 xDD ... Ngam Ngam Hao our money plus together
10th ===> at last ==" ... we just buy foods only ==" din buy our Epop T^T ... haha ... by the way ~ it so syok to go My Laop0's House =))

[ The Ends xD ]

I think tomorrow i will go her house again =DD !! ... If tomorrow i have go ~ we will take pixca again xDD ~~~ Wait for our Pixca ya xDD ~

★ Baka _ Xin [ I LoVe My X Family x) ]

